Parent Faculty Club - PFC
What is PFC?
PFC stands for Parent Faculty Club.
El Dorado's PFC is a group of parent volunteers who work to build strong relationships between our students, parents, community, and school staff.
PFC works to provide our students with enriching and enjoyable activities. We raise funds throughout the year to support the success of students and staff.
Ways to Support
There are a list of options on the right about how you can make a difference in our community.
Check Out our PFC Website to purchase spirit wear, make donations, or sign up to volunteer!
You can make a donation through Venmo (@ElDoradoPFC). Please include "PFC Donation" in the memo field.
Stay in Touch!
Join us for our meetings. Meetings usually are held at 5:30pm on the third Wednesday and held online through Zoom. Be sure to check the El Dorado newsletter or Facebook group for the link!
El Dorado has multiple ways to communicate with students, families, and PFC volunteers.
- El Dorado community newsletter (published weekly via email, posted on our website)
- ParentSquare
- Facebook group: El Dorado Middle School Group
Email us at
What We Do
Our Parent Faculty Club is staffed by Parent Volunteers. Please come to the meetings and help to vote on items that directly affect your students. We have plenty of open positions for you to volunteer for. Most of these do not have a full year commitment, just volunteer for a specific event! We are so thankful for your help!
Common Core Testing Snacks: Open – During Common Core Testing, we need a parent volunteer to go shopping and purchase healthy snacks for our students to have during test taking time.
Emergency Preparedness Supplies: Open – Each classroom should be stocked with a safety backpack in case of a natural disaster or during a school lockdown. Need a parent volunteer(s) to take inventory of our current supplies and purchase anything needed. This is a once a year job.
6th/7th Grade Events: Need parent volunteers to hold a 7th grade event (could be a movie night, sports day, you’re choice if you head it up!) There is money in the PFC budget allocated to this event for your use.
8th Grade Events: Need lots of parent volunteers to celebrate the end of the year for our students moving onto High School! 8th Grade Bowling Party, 8th Grade Picnic/Swim Party, 8th Grade Promotion. There is money in the PFC budget allocated to these events for your use.
End of Year Awards Ceremonies: Print the Award Certificates, and need parents to volunteer during the awards ceremony for set up, decorating and break down.
Health & Safety / Red Ribbon Week: One week each year, small amount of work.
El Dorado Middle School Group
Are you on Facebook? Search for "El Dorado Middle School Group" and join us!
This Facebook page is for Parents & Guardians only and it’s a great place to ask questions, from “Who has the homework from Mr. Todd’s class?” to “When is Spring Break?” Our page is intended to be a friendly, encouraging forum, especially for new parents, to ask questions and share information about current events that are happening at our school.
Note: The above mentioned Facebook page is not managed by the school or school staff. The content on the forum is solely the responsibility of the parent participants and is not affiliated with the school.
Make a Difference
1. Volunteer. No matter your schedule, there are volunteer opportunities for you at the school and in the community.
2. Stay informed. Make sure the office has your email address so that you will be included in our school's newsletter and check out the website frequently.
3. Parent Volunteers are always needed. Parents are welcome to volunteer at El Dorado. We have a variety of ways that you can help. The one common thing is that you must have your fingerprints on record at MDUSD, and you must have a current TB test on file. If you have already been fingerprinted for another school in our district, please let us know and we can look it up for you. You may also bring in the page you were given at the time of clearance.
Visit MDUSD website for more information on volunteering.